The article will explain the meaning of the status lights found on the NBN™ Connection Box (indoor unit) used for Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) services. These lights may help you quickly check on the status of your NBN™ connection which may be useful when troubleshooting NBN™ FTTP issues.

This article will also explain where to find the Connection Box’s Serial Number, which may be required in order to complete an order for NBN™ services.

Please note that the FTTP Connection Box should not be confused with the Connection Box for NBN™ Wireless.

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From mid-2013 onwards, NBN™ Connection Boxes were installed with a plastic cover by default. To access the Connection Box, gently prise the bottom of the cover away from the two clips holding it in place at the bottom of the unit and then lift the cover upwards.

Once lifted, the Connection Box will be partially covered by casing, but you will still be able to see the status lights and access the ports as shown below.

Once the cover is lifted, you’ll see a barcode sticker on the right-hand side of the box. The number next to S/N is the Connection Box’s Serial Number, as shown below.

POWEROffNo power supply. Please note that all other lights will be off if the Connection Box has no power.
RedConnection Box is operating on backup battery power from the Power Supply unit. If there’s no power outage, try troubleshooting.
GreenConnection Box has power. Sometimes the light may look more orange/yellow than green – this is fine.
OPTICALOffConnection Box is disabled. Please call our Fibre Team on 1300 455 806 (8AM-8PM AEST, Monday-Friday) as we’ll need to lodge a ticket with NBN Co.
RedNo connection to the fibre network. Try troubleshooting.
GreenConnected successfully to the fibre network. This light will flash during data transfer.
ALARMOffConnection Box is working, but no devices are connected.
RedIssue detected. Try troubleshooting.
GreenConnection Box is working with no issues detected.
UNI-D 1/2/3/4OffNothing is plugged into this port. Only one UNI-D port is active for a single NBN™ service. This is typically port UNI-D 1. If this port doesn’t work and you don’t know which port was activated for your service, please call us on 13 22 58 for a hand.
OrangeA device capable of up to 1000Mbps is plugged in. This light will flash during data transfer.
GreenA device capable of up to 10/100Mbps is plugged in. This light will flash during data transfer.
UNI-V 1/2OffThere is no NBN™ Fibre Phone service, or it’s not currently being used.
GreenOne or more Fibre phones are off the hook (typically because they are being used).
One or more Fibre phones have been off the hook for more than an hour. If no one is on a long phone call, check that your handsets are not engaged and have been returned to the hook or cradle.
UPDATEOffNormal, no action required.
RedConnection Box has failed to download an update. Please call our Fibre Team on 1300 455 806 (8AM-8PM AEST, Monday-Friday) as we’ll need to lodge a ticket with NBN Co.
GreenConnection Box is currently downloading an update with no issues.